Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Discussion Question - Captain of Industry or Robber Baron?

The wave of industrialism that we have been studying was often driven by a few great men known as industrialists.  There can be no mistaking their motives: wealth. There is some debate, however, on how history should portray these men. Some take a more positive view and feel that these men were captains of industry, or men without whom this country could not have taken its place as a great industrial power.  Historians who take the captains of industry viewpoint praise these men for their philanthropy (charity).  Other historians take a negative view of these men and call them robber barons.  The robber baron viewpoint sees these men as people who unfairly limited healthy competition and gave little regard for others in a relentless pursuit of wealth. 

Answer the question in a detailed response of about 12 sentences.  Your response should have at least 3 supporting points.  You will be scored using the rubric on the back.  Use your class notes and class work to help you develop your answer. Reply to this post answer the question.  After other posts are included you can reply to those for additional points.  All posts must be school appropriate and use relative information.

What number do you rate John D. Rockefeller on the “Captain of Industry or Robber Baron Scale”?  Explain why you rated Rockefeller as you did.

Captain of Industry or Robber Baron Scale
Rate Rockefeller on the scale below by circling a number.

Captain of Industry or Robber Baron?

1         2         3         4          5         6         7         8         9        10
Total Captain of Industry
Equal mixture of both
Total Robber Baron


A (20-18) – Explanation is excellent, cites specific examples/detail.
B (17-16) – A good response, solid in use of detail.
C (15 -14) – Response is adequate but lacking in supporting detail. 
D (13 -12) – Answers question but provides vague/limited support.  
F (11 and below) – Answer fails to address the question fully or fails to support argument.